Friday, March 20, 2009

We've been busy........................

well- we have been busy- also my camera is broken right now as well. So no pictures. But here is a quick update:

Joe: just finished his MBA. Good job babe! he did awesome too! he graduates ("walks") on July 17th. He has recently planted 12 more big tree's in our back yard. It looks awesome! pictures will come sometime. He also just applied for manager at the University of phoenix, so we'll see how that goes.

Jill: well, I have reached my half-way mark in my pregnancy, and boy does that feel great!!! I am finally feeling better- after 20 weeks!! I also had my ultra sound to see what the baby is - and I was strong! very tempting.... but we didn't find out what the baby is!

Macee: Loves preschool- and having play dates. She also loves her backyard. She would be out there all day!!

Kynzlee: is almost 18 months.... yeah for nursery!! she says so many things! pretty much anything you tell her to say- she will attempt- and most of the time do a very good job. She copies absolutely everything Macee does. Its quite cute.


Jen said...

what a bummer your camera is broken. I hope it doesn't cost much to fix. Can't wait to see the backyard trees.

Our Paper Plates said...

You know you want to find out what you are having!! :)

joeyandaleethea said...

I traveled to your blog from Heather Bailey's blog - she mentioned you make the most awesome bows, and so I had to come see the loveliness! Congrats on your pregnancy!! My Joey was a surprise and it was SO MUCH FUN to ponder what he would be. I also married a Joe. So hooray for babies and for awesome hubbies with super great names! hehe. :D

Don and Sue said...

No new pics? get that camera fixed!!!!!!