Thursday, May 14, 2009

I just LOVE little girls..... especially mine...


Cory or Cari said...

You are sure going to have your hands full when these 2 are teenagers. Such sweet girls! I love girls, too.

Liz said...

Hey Jill,
This is Liz Stowell from the ward. Your daughters are adorable. I love having Macee in singing time. I hope I have a daughter as cute as yours someday. I am excited for child #3! You are an awesome mom and Joe is such a good dad.

Liz said...

Hey Jill,
This is Liz Stowell from the ward. Your daughters are adorable. I love having Macee in singing time. I hope I have a daughter as cute as yours someday. I am excited for child #3! You are an awesome mom and Joe is such a good dad.

Tara Fischbeck said...

They are always cute!

Don and Sue said...

I love my little girls too!!!