Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 4th!

I love the 4th! I had so much fun making the girls outfits this year.... and getting their pictures taken!

1 comment:

Grandma Buckley said...

WOW!! What adorable girls and the outfits are to die for!! How did you make them? I can't believe how you find the time and energy being pregnant and just keeping up with those precious girls. Your girls are really growing up. I can see changes in their faces and of course how tall they are. They are so beautiful! How could they not be with the parents they have! :) I am so glad you love the 4th of July. It is one of my favorite holidays as well. I love being free and the reminder that freedom isn't free! The music, the fireworks, family getting together, parades etc. Thanks again for taking the time to fix up the outfits for the girls, then to fix their hair, then to take the pictures and to post them for us all to enjoy!! Love Ya Lots