Tuesday, November 15, 2011

soccer comes to an end

Macee played on an 8 and under team this year, instead of a 6 and under team, and boy was it a step up from last year! She went from a tiny field, to a full field with full size goals, and playing actual positions.....
I am so glad she got to play on an older team, she improved so much, and she did awesome!
we are so proud of her!!

The little girl behind her, was the only one that was smaller than her!

The other girls loved to play at her games!

Kynzlee also finished soccer, and did SO good! she was our little soccer star! her last game she scored 5 goals! Her daddy was so proud! we still just have to laugh....... 5 goals!
It was so cute :)
Now year-around swimming starts next week! cant wait, practices everyday, for an hour! I LOVE it~ Kynzlee will do it too this year!!

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