Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fun With cousins!!

It is so great living close to cousins! It makes life much happier!

Here we are doing our 2nd annual - caroling in the trailor, behind the tractor (something that can only be done in the country)- and after, a surprise visitor shows up, to share some hot chocolate, cinnamon rolls, and treats with us!

The girls love doing this! It is so much fun!

Of course we all know the "surprise" visitor! real beard and all!

It was very exciting!!

we found what makes Abigail happy!!!

Christmas tree lane

we love walking Christmas tree lane- I used to do this growing up! every house is a castle! its so beautiful!

Ward party

aside of our own ward party- we always go to my parents ward party- It is always so much fun- and the ward I grew up in!

Brooky loved Santa!

Uncle Cory and the boys were in town this weekend- for Corys alumni basketball game!

Eating popcycles with cousins!

LOVE Uncle Cory :)

Basketball game!

It was a great game- and we won! and Cory did awesome! Scoring a 3 at the buzzer!!! good job Cory~~

and after some of us went to ice cream!

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