Sunday, October 26, 2008


Joe and I went to an adult only party last night. Our costume ah wasn't the greatest.... in fact pretty lame- but hey- it was cheap- and we still won a prize!!!
This ia my homemade spider coustume. Its just a black back back (that I spary painted black) with 8 wirery fury legs -(That I attempted- don't look too close) attatched to it. All I did was wear all black- and this backpack. Hah- pretty easy.
And Joe was my web! He continued to rermind me that I needed to be all over him all night because he was my web, stinker..........
Here we are at the babysitters................

So one of the games at the party was to split up in teams and carve pumpkins. This is the pumpkin that our team carved. Can you guess?? Yup-good ol' SHREK!


The Curiel's said...

Hey, I loved your costume! You were a spider hottie...Charlotte!

Cory or Cari said...

Super cute. Love the creativity. Might have to try it some time.

aezra noell said...

you guys are so cute...good work. Love that pumpkin.

Jen said...

I love your costume- So creative!!!

AnnCP said...

love your costume - wish I had seen it before we left for a party tonight - I could have been the hit of the party!!!

ann packard

Don and Sue said...

You guys look so cute. that idea worked very well. I bet joe was loving you all over him that night.Enjoy Joe, halloween only comes once a year.HAHA