This is our FAVORITE pumpkin patch/farm... it is the BEST!! There are so many fun things to do! The weather is always Beautiful, the scenery, on the coast is so nice! and its only 2 1/2 hours away! perfect day trip! There are hundreds of pumpkins!!

Macee 6 years

Kynzlee 4 years

Brooklyn 2 years

Abigail 3 months

my favorite part.....

they love to feed the animals

The hayride is so much fun....it takes them way out in the trees..to a huge pumpkin patch, drops them off, and they pick their pumpkins. Then it brings them back...its actually a long ride, they loved it! they also had a huge hay maze that they spent a lot of time in too...so fun!

they have the cutest ice cream/ candy shoppe... so yummy!...the girls got ice cream, and I of course got fudge :)

after the farm, we drove down to the pier........

and of course, that turned into this!! their crazy! it was freezing! i was wearing a scarf..and the girls were in the water! they didnt care, they had a blast!

so after the beach, we drove up to the outlet mall and we "had" to get the girls new clean , dry, clothes.....darn!:)

then we walked the streets of the beach, looking at all the shops...it was so nice...

and finally, we found a fun restraunt on the beach, ...we ate, then got some frozen yogurt, then drove home. The girls fell asleep 3 minutes into the drive..all 4 of them, and never woke up..... it was the perfect day trip, and we couldn't have asked for better weather. We had such a good time, and look forward to going again soon :). LOVE California!
1 comment:
I couldn't get anything on facebook so I decided to check your blog and WOW what fun pictures!! Is the first one your new family picture? I just love it! I love all the pictures of the pumpkin patch and Kynzlee's B-day! What a lot of fun and Jill I can't believe what you were able to do for her parties!! You are wonderwoman! Again thanks for posting these pictures so we can share in your families lives! Love Ya Lots
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