The invitations were sent out! It reads at top " You are invited to Kynzlees 4th Birthday! So use this fairy dust and fly on over to Kynzlees Fairy Princess Party!"

On the day of her birthday, all her little friends came over after pre-school, for her fairy Princess party......
The girls had so much fun.... First we made each little fairy their very own wings.... they turned out so cute!

My favorite Part.... the cake! I had a lot of fun making her cake.....

Each little fairy got to take home this little goody bag, which consisted of a "fairy" braclet that the girls and I made.. blonde or brunette, depending on what color hair she had.... and inside, all of Kynzlees favorite candy: Dots, skittles, and bubblegum suckers.
They got to take a wand too :)
After the party we all went out to eat with Grandma and Grandpa, and Great- Grandma!
The next day, Kynzlee took princess sugar cookies to her pre-school. I would have done it the day of her birthday, but with her party being the same day.... it was just too much.

What in the world could have every made that party better? I can think of not a single thing! Shoot- you even made the barbie girl have matching clothes and wings- love it :)
SO fun! Emma will be so sad she missed it. I'm sad I missed it!
You seriously blow me away with all your creativity. Kynzlees birthday looks like it was a blast!!! I hope you guys are doing well. The kids looked at your blog and said, " Mom I miss them."
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