Friday, July 29, 2011


We have been having a very busy and fun summer..... with tons going on!! here's a recap of some of the fun adventures we have been on.........................

love riding on the lawn mower with Grandpa!!

lots of snuggles with baby sister............

love these girlies!!

playing at parks and splash pads...

Brooky is doing so good with swimming..... heres the girls at the cousin play group we have once a week.....

and our sweet Abigail is growing so fast!!

The girls at the 24th of july celebration..... they had so much fun.... breakfast, pony rides, bounce houses, snow cones...... they LOVED IT!!!

Life with 4 little girls has been so fun!!

lastly... the buisness has been so busy, and going so great!! here we have what we call the "Macee braclet".....
my 6 year old macee designed theses braclets.... and i thought they were so cute! so we took them in the boutique that buys all my stuff, and they LOVED them.... they now retail for $22 at this boutique.... im so proud of my Macee! She has made a ton!!

its been so much fun .......I love summers here in California! we still have 4 more weeks until school starts.....which means...more partying and more vacations to be had! wooo whoo!

1 comment:

Grandma Buckley said...

Oh I just left a long message on July 23rd, but I wanted to say how much I love Macee's bracelets. What a great experience you are giving her to be able to express her talents and make some money and keep busy doing positive things! Can't believe summer is coming to an end soon, but what a great summer it has been especially getting our litle Abigail here safely! All of the other activities, including all the special B-days look so fun! You truly live life to the fullest! Lots of love Grandma